EF20 - v1.1

Eurofurence 20
Crime Scene Berlin

Tiger's Claw
Day Fri - Con Day 3 - 2014-08-22
Room Panel Room 2 — Lyon
Start time 12:00
Duration 03:00
ID 424
Event type Other
Track Games | Social
Language used for presentation English

International Snack Exchange

Ever wondered what kind of snacks they eat in Japan, Italy or Canada? At the international snack exchange furries from all over the globe will be bringing snacks from their region for you to try out. Bring your own snack, take a bite and have a good time meeting furries from all over the world!

The way to the heart of a furry is through his stomach. Every year furries from all around the world visit the international food exchange to show off their regional snacks and drinks to give everybody a chance to have a taste of their country. Bringing a snack of your own is optional but is highly apreciated as the event runs completely upon your enthousiasm. Be sure that if you bring something to the table that it's not illegal, doesn't contain a high percentage of alcohol and doesn't have a very strong smell. Swing by, take a bite and socialize with people from all over the world!